Our Candidates 

Nancy Hammarstrom 8th District Assembly Candidate & LT Governor Susan Bysiewicz

Nancy Hammarstrom

Democratic Candidate for the 8th District Assembly Seat

  • Lifelong resident of Columbia

  • History of giving back to community through public service

  • Served on Planning & Zoning, FIPAC, and serves on Zoning Board of Appeals

  • High school teacher for 25 years; History, Social Studies, Civics

  • Brings valuable insights and a strong voice for education and community development

    Visit: https://www.hammarstrom4the8th.com/

Cathy Osten

Connecticut State Senator District 19

Co-Chair of the Appropriations Committee

Vice Chair of the Public Safety Committee

Member of the following Committees:

·        Transportation

·        General Law

·        Veterans and Military Affairs

·        Regulation Review

·        Legislative Management

Advocate for Connecticut Veterans

Advocate for Connecticut Agriculture

Co -chair of the Rural caucus

The main proponent of the manufacturing pipeline

An admirer of the Town of Columbia and its impressive community and great character


Joe Courtney

With Cathy Osten and Nancy Hammarstrom

US Congressman for Connecticut District 2

Ranking Member and former Chair of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces

  • Co-chairs the bipartisan Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus

  • Serves on the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions subcommittee, as well as the Higher Education and Workforce Training subcommittee.

  • Senior member of the Armed Services Committee

  • Secured critical resources for Electric Boat for new design and engineering work, adding thousands of jobs

  • Secured over $100 million federal funding outside the President's budget for SUBASE New London ensuring that New England's largest military installation will have an enduring mission for years to come

  • A tireless advocate for both our nation's veterans and our men and women in uniform

  • Serving as a member of the House Agriculture Committee and vocal proponent for nearly 2,500 farmers across eastern Connecticut. Courtney is the founding co-chairman of the Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus

Chris Murphy

With members of CDTC

US Senator for Connecticut

  • A strong voice in the Senate fighting for job creation, affordable health care, education, sensible gun laws, and a forward-looking foreign policy

  • Member of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP) Senator working to make college more affordable and ensure that our public education system works to serve all students

  • Led a bipartisan effort to reform our mental health system, working across the aisle to craft the first comprehensive mental health bill in the Senate in decades

  • Laid out a forward-thinking foreign policy vision for the United States. As a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, he has been an outspoken proponent of diplomacy, international human rights and the need for clear-eyed American leadership abroad.

  • One of the leading proponents of commonsense reforms to reduce gun violence

  • As member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Murphy has fought to increase investments in Connecticut manufacturing and promote procurement of world-class national defense products made in the state and to expand American manufacturing and create jobs through his Buy American initiative,

Points made by Nancy’s nominator

I’ve known Nancy for more than 50 years.  She has been an educator for 24 years and is fiercely dedicated to her students, family, and friends.

 ·         She is recently retired and has the time and the energy to dedicate herself to the best interests of the Connecticut 8th General Assembly District constituents.

 ·         She always listens and has impeccable character

 ·         She has the intellect, strength and values to wage a successful campaign.

 ·         She embodies fiscal prudence, and she has an open heart.

 ·         She will be our warrior at the state level.

 ·         We need to promote our democratic values of compassion, logic, and truth. Nancy embodies these values.

 Points made by seconder of Nancy's nomination.

I am thrilled to be here to nominate Nancy Hammarstrom for state representative of the 8th district. My husband and I have lived in Coventry for the past 16 years.

The first time I met Nancy, she told an amazing story of her own life – she is an educator, she took care of her elderly parents, she lives in this beautiful small town, and she chose to care for her wonderful great niece because she cared. She has lived a full and rich life and understands the problems and concerns of District 8 constituents.

Nancy is lovely, hardworking, strong, and self-confident. I know she will be all of that for us, the citizens of District 8! I for one, support her wholeheartedly.