Welcome to the Columbia Democratic Town Committee

Photo Courtesy of Ed McCullough


 The Columbia Democratic Town Committee (CDTC) has existed for over 100 years.

The 1916 Connecticut Yearbook of the Democratic Party (Library of Congress document 0 033 239 105 7) lists the Chair of CDTC that year as George H. Champlin. The Records Vault at Columbia Town Hall shows records of Democratic activity going back to 1966. Much of our history remains stored in our members’ memories. Today sixteen active members comprise the Columbia Democratic Town Committee, along with donors and closely connected affiliates who regularly participate in CDTC events and activities.

CDTC welcomes Columbia residents who want to be part of our efforts to promote Democratic candidates at local, state, and national levels and the democratic values of:

Choice - the right of individuals to make their own choices.

Tolerance - of differences and opposing ideas.

Equity - valuing and supporting all people.

Freedom - of speech, association, movement, and belief.

Justice - treating everyone fairly, in society and in court.

Peace - Peaceful transfer of power.


We are dedicated to ensuring that residents of all ages can thrive in our community. We strive to build an inclusive town government based on fairness, honesty, and social responsibility. We advocate for education, collaboration, and citizen engagement. We promote candidates for public office who embrace democratic values and will serve all residents at the local, state, and national levels. Photo courtesy of Ken Koper.

Joe O’Brien 1973



Judy Szegda Ortiz and Bill O’Brien 2023


Many opportunities exist for getting involved with the Columbia Democratic Town Committee. We welcome your help during election season in supporting our candidates—holding Vote Democratic signs at the polls and in other strategic locations, helping out in writing or addressing postcards, knocking on doors with fellow Democrats to chat with your Columbia neighbors and leaving campaign materials, and joining us by marching in the 4th of July parade. We also appreciate help in organizing and participating in Civic Forums—public events designed to engage and inform Columbia residents on town governance and town issues.


See why Columbia is like no other town.